Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Research Article Review

The Importance of Technology in Science Curriculum 

For the research article review project, I chose to review the article "Preparing Tomorrow's Science Teachers to use Technology: Guidelines for Science Educators." This was a very informative article about the importance of incorporating technology in the science classroom. the article mentioned how there was a "hands-on" movement in science in the 1960s and that with the rise of technology it is important to incorporate that hands-on method of teaching through the use of technology. With the various methods of media teachers can use in their classroom, there is a multitude of ways to teach different content. Also, technology offers teachers and students a way to communicate that didn't exist before. Besides email, students and teachers can use platforms such as Google Docs in order to collaboratively work on in class and out of class projects. 

I chose this article because it's title stood out to me. This entire Science Methods course has provided me with the tools to use technology in the classroom, therefore I wanted to read what this article had to say about this particular topic. After reading the article my own views on technology have only been reassured. The fact that there are various websites as well as forms of technology to use in a classroom (SmartBoard, tablet, computer) is something teachers need to take advantage of. I will use this research in my teaching practice by applying the hands-on philosophy surrounding science and apply it to the use of technology in the classroom. By allowing technology to be incorporated into the "hands-on" science classroom, students will only become more engaged and more successful. 

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