Monday, February 1, 2016

First Day of Science Methods

Today was my first day of Science Methods and I am very pleased with how it went. I am one of three undergraduates in a graduate class. Initially, I was very intimidated to take a class with graduate students but once the class started I realized that I would be able to make it through the course because I had already taken Social Studies methods with Dr. Smirnova. Although this class is different in a lot of ways, there are ways that it parallels social studies, such as with the blog and the e-portfolio. 

In class today our task was to draw a scientist and immediately I thought of an older man with glasses holding a test tube. I gave him a lab coat, crazy hair, and named him Dr. Chem. After going around the room and seeing everyone's drawings, we all realized as a class that the majority of the drawings were men as opposed to women. Immediately we all realized that when we think "scientist" we assume male but this, of course is not the case. As future teachers it is important to teach our students that science is a subject that both girls and boys can excel in and be interested in. Establishing this idea and getting rid of the stereotype will be an important foundation to lay going into fieldwork. 

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