Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Atmosphere Presentation Using Powtoon

By clicking on the image above, you can view the Powtoon Jackie and I created about the atmosphere. For this project, we had to pic a topic we did not feel that we knew a lot about nor were we comfortable with, and research it in order to become more informed on the topic. The topic my colleage and I chose was Atmosphere. The rest of the class also chose this topic, therefore it must have been a subject that everyone felt they should know more about. In our presentation, we discussed the different layers of the atmosphere: The Troposphere, the Stratosphere, the Mesosphere, the Ionosphere, and the Exosphere. I thoroughly enjoyed using Powtoon as it was a different take on a typical slideshow presentation. While it was pretty difficult to figure out at first, one you got the hang of it, it created for a great presentation. I also liked how you can include music in the background, add animations, and my favorite: a hand-writing animation that made the text appear as if it was being written by a hand! I will definitely be using Powtoon in my future classroom as a more engaging way to present a topic than a typical PowerPoint.   

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