Tuesday, April 26, 2016


In order to view the Tagul my classmates and I made, you can click on the the picture above. Before using Tagul I had only used Wordle to make word clouds. I found the website of Tagul to be much more fun and interactive. It allowed the creator to make the words into any shape, and so we chose a space ship since the words in the word cloud are related to space. Tagul also allows for the words to get bigger and spin when the cursor is dragged over them. 

In this particular word cloud my peers and I were supposed to choose common words that came up in our research articles about Astronomy. Some of the words we found were reoccurring were NASA, Earth, Galaxy, and Scientist. We decided to put Planet 9 front and center of the word cloud since more than one person found an article on this topic and we all found it very intriguing.  

Overall, I believe Tagul is a great resource not only for teachers to use but students as well. Teachers can use Tagul to introduce the vocabulary of a lesson in an engaging way. Students can also be assigned to create their own Tagul based on vocabulary they acquired at the end of a unit, or words that they too found in various research articles. All in all it is a very helpful tool to use in the classroom!

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