Thursday, April 28, 2016

Trade Book Project

For my Trade Book Project I chose a book that went along with my Unit Plan about rocks. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book as I thought it was very informational about rocks. The book went above and beyond simply having information about rocks but it had illustrations with labels of several different kinds. 

The book also went into depth about rocks in everyday life which is important for students to learn in order for them to realize that science goes beyond the classroom. The book brought in historical information about rocks as well, including the fact that ancient peoples used to carve their language onto rocks in the form of petroglyphs. It also went on to include pictures of some of the oldest rocks in the world (some 1 billion years old!) One of my favorite parts of the book is where it mentions different monuments made out of rock that we may not think about, such as Mount Rushmore or Stonehenge, or Michelangelo's "David." Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and think it will be a great asset to any lesson on rocks.

In order to include a book trailer for this project I made an Animoto where I highlighted many important features that the book has in order to draw the reader in to checking the book out. I had a lot of fun using Animoto in order to make this trailer. If only it was completely free. 


  1. This is a great book for teachers to use as an introduction to a unit plan on rock! This book would be a great addition to our lesson on the three types of rocks. The illustrations are beautiful in this book and it seems like it has a lot of information about different rocks. I will definitely keep this book in mind for when I teach about rocks in my future classroom!

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